A thank you letter to CubsHQ readers
Baseball season is almost here (Quinn Harris - USA Today Sports)

A thank you letter to CubsHQ readers

by - Columnist -

Well, there wasn’t much going on for the Cubs or MLB yesterday, as Super Bowl LIV (that’s 54 for the millennials) dominated my social media and news feed. This is as good a time as any to make today’s column about each of you.

Dear Reader,

I’ve been with CubsHQ for going on two years now, and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve always enjoyed writing, but I never thought I’d ever have the chance to see my opinions and thoughts in print. You guys make that possible.

CubsHQ has given me a lot of freedom to write about the things that interest me, and I always aim to find stuff that will interest you as well. No, not every article is going to be for everybody, but overall, I think I’ve done OK. Between my daily column, the Odds and Ends pieces, my commentaries, and the CubsHQ Mailbag, I can usually find something for you. Speaking of the mailbag- thanks to those who have contributed. Just the thought that anyone trusts my opinion and knowledge enough to ask me a question is both heartwarming and humbling.

I look forward to doing more of those soon.

You may not always agree with me, but I’ve always taken that in stride. Each of us must be able to have our own opinions, or the entire concept of social media is useless. Nothing makes me happier than to see people “liking,” commenting, or sharing the articles, as the time you take to do so means that I’ve somehow affected you. I couldn’t be prouder than I am when I see things like, “Ken, I totally agree with you.” I don’t always see them all, but I have always tried to acknowledge every comment, whether good or bad. I figure that if you take the time to leave feedback, then the least I can do is respond.

I always get confused when I see the “anger” and “wow” faces in response to an article. I have no idea if those are your reaction to what the subject matter of the article, or whether that’s your reaction to my take on the subject. Hopefully the former, but if it is the latter, please take it easy on me – I’m old (wink).

Please don’t ever mistake my occasional rants as a sign of disloyalty, I’ve been a diehard fan of this team for nearly half a century. Over the years, I’ve seen more bad rosters than good, more losses than wins, but I’ve never contemplated giving up. My dad instilled being a Cubs fan into my sister and I when we were still too young even fully to understand the game, but eventually, we learned. Thanks, Dad, I wish you were still around to see what I have to say about the team.

We’ve now endured two brutally slow offseasons together and have watched the team that we share slip from the top of the standings. It gets frustrating for all of us, and I’d like to think that when I write a rant, I’m speaking for a good majority of you, as well as for myself. Nothing beats winning, and after 108 years of waiting, and we all want at least one more. I apologize if, at times, I get overly passionate.

I want to think that you folks have given me as much as I may have given you. I spent a lot of years on the road for work, and there were many seasons when a newspaper (no smartphones or laptops back then) was my only connection to the team. I missed a lot of things over those years, and the memories and stories you share, sometimes help me to bridge a gap to the past. Thank you for the education.

Going forward, I’ll continue to do my best to provide you with quality material, in hopes that so long as I do, you’ll continue to spend a little part of your day reading and commenting on the things that I have to say. I’ve accomplished a lot of things in my life, but knowing that I have worked hard enough here to have earned some very loyal readers ranks right up there at the top. For that, I can’t thank you enough.

Stay tuned. Baseball is coming.

Best wishes,

- Ken

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