Jerry Lai-USA TODAY Sports
Jerry Lai-USA TODAY Sports suggests trading Kyle Schwarber

by - Senior Editor -

Cubs young slugger Kyle Schwarber is one of the most beloved Cubs in recent memory with his mammoth homers and likable personality.

However, suggests that this is the perfect time to listen to offers for the left fielder.

"It's also why we propose something that will probably be considered akin to blasphemy on the North Side -- the Cubs should at least consider exploring trades for Schwarber this offseason," said. "Why? Because the Legend of Schwarber is at an all-time high, and the Value of Schwarber may never catch up."

The website suggests that Schwarber is a decent player but not a superstar.

"The sheer horror most Cubs fans are likely experiencing as they read that probably confirms that theory," said. "Yes, Schwarber is an immensely talented young hitter. No, he's not the most valuable player in baseball or really close to it. In his brief career, he's been 29 points better than average on offense, with little defensive value."

In 2015, Schwarber hit .246 with 16 home runs, 43 RBIs with an excellent .842 OPS in only 69 games (273 at-bats) in his rookie season.

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